Pray for Patience and Kingdom Perspective

Please pray for patience and perseverance. Many weeks ago, new students visited on Sunday, but haven’t seen them on a Sunday since. They are still visiting other churches on Sundays and will take a while to commit to a church. This is very normal for people who move to a new area. We need to be diligent in outreach and must keep praying for them. For college Freshmen, we basically have a 2-3 month window in the Fall for most effective outreach.

We also have to pray with a Kingdom perspective, because God’s Kingdom is bigger than just one church. So though we want them to come to our church, we need to pray that God would lead them where He wants them most and where they need to be. Thus, we need to prepare our hearts. There may be many students who commit to our church. There may just be a few. Or there may be none. We will prayerfully make every effort for outreach, but the results are up to God.

Sometimes, the fruit does not show immediately. Sometimes, it seems that what we pour out doesn’t equal what comes in. But that is the nature of outreach and missions. For every ten hands that reach out, one or two might take a hold. So please pray that we can minister with diligence and integrity.