On October 18, we had an outdoor service for those who attended in person, while continuing our online worship via Zoom. For the foreseeable future, we will continue to work fully online.
The outdoor worship area will be at the church parking lot, with chairs set up at intervals. We have not established a set date for a permanent reopening. But while the weather is mild we will take advantage of the higher level of safety that an outdoor setting provides to gather and better prepare for a hybrid (in-person/online) worship.
When: 11am. October 18, 2020 (Sunday)
Where: Church Parking Lot and ONLINE
If you plan to join in person:
* Please reserve a spot to help us in preparation. (gospellifemd@gmail.com, 410.493.6858)
* Read the safety guidelines below before attending.
Safety Guidelines:
1) Please wear a mask (if you forget one, we’ll have some available)
2) Please sanitize your hands upon arrival and before/after entering the building.
3) Please observe social distancing and do not move chairs that are set up.
4) If any of the following applies to you for the period of the past 14 days, please join us online instead.
You have experienced any flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste of smell.
You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspect you may be.
You have come into close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.