Message to Our Members - Faith During Uncertainty and Suffering

To my brothers and sisters of Gospel Life Fellowship:

I trust that you are well in the grace and hope found in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Currently, we are witnessing events unlike anything in the last one hundred years. Just the recent few weeks have brought life-altering changes to people all over the world. In all likelihood, our daily lives patterns will be impacted for months and we will face unexpected challenges. My prayer is that you would be aware but at peace. Be aware of the developing circumstances around us and also gain peace for we are grounded in Christ our Rock. Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

So how should we respond during these unprecedented times? Jesus, in His prayer in John 17, refers to us as people who are “not of this world, but sent into the world”. For Christians, we must respond to this crisis in faith, not fear. Christ came to serve with selfless love, He altered His lifestyle and was willing to suffer, even to death. As His disciples, we follow in suit.

What do we know about the Pandemic?

We know the virus is highly contagious, possibly even when there are mild to no symptoms. Statistics indicate that Covid-19 is especially dangerous to the elderly and to those with pre-existing conditions. Availability of testing is very limited, but even so, the number of confirmed cases is rising rapidly and we are experiencing widespread community transmission (spread within, not brought in from outside). This pandemic not only threatens people’s health, but also the nation’s health infrastructure and economy (daily livelihood).

What is the best way for Christians today to lovingly serve our neighbor? 

The main ways Christians can help slow down the spread of infection are through prayer, social distancing and good hygiene. Some call it "flattening the curve". While healthcare workers are heroically running into danger to treat the sick, the public must practice social distancing. The first group's role is to heal the sick, the latter's role is to do no harm.  Simply put, Christians need to ground ourselves in faith and rise up to social responsibility.

Next Steps - Moving Online

Beginning this Sunday, we will shift all our gatherings online. Our Sunday service will have two available formats. We will have a live interactive Sunday worship via video conferencing. We encourage people to join this option if possible so that we can continue to "meet" together and do community life. There will also be a pre-recorded worship service available for people of different regions. We have already begun having Discipleship Training and Leadership meetings online. Sunday worship times are as follows:

Live Service:  Sunday 11:00am (Eastern Standard Time)
Pre-recorded:  Uploaded Saturday evening so that members in Korea can also access it on Sunday.

Let us be diligent in communicating with one another and caring for each other. Gatherings may have halted, but we must unite in community, thrive in discipleship, and minister in compassion.

Prayer Guide

  1. Pray for Federal, State and Local Leaders to effectively coordinate these efforts

  2. Pray for healthcare workers and those at high-risk, that God would grant protection and faith

  3. Pray that churches will stand in faith and courage to love to serve our neighbor

  4. Pray that all people will love and serve wisely, not unwittingly putting others in danger 

  5. Pray for the hope of Christ to shine brightly in the hearts of people

For a more detailed explanation on this matter from Pastor Mike, click here.

For more information on Covid-19, visit the CDC website.