2024 Thailand Mission Trip

June 16 Update

Many thanks to God that our mission team arrived back home safely! The trip proved to be very encouraging and eye-opening for our members. Though there were expected and unforeseen challenges with sickness and weather alike, the team has come back with an ever-growing admiration for God’s work around the world. For those that traveled, let’s pray that God would protect their hearts from spiritual attack, dissatisfaction with culture at home, and emotional heaviness/emptiness.

For members that were stateside, let’s pray for their protection from spiritual attacks, the feeling of having missed out, or distance of heart. We trust that God had a role and purpose for each and every one of us and that He has something He wants to continue to do in all of our hearts.

Thank you to all of our prayer supporters for encouraging us and being led by God to help make this trip possible!


June 13 Update

In God’s Grace we had a blessed team retreat in Mongolia. Through worship, prayer, reflection and sharing, we were able to process what we learned and experienced. We pray that God will impress them in a lasting way in our hearts. God also put some challenges in our way, humbling us and drawing us closer as a team. We finally spent some quality time with Mongolian church members and leaders to encourage each other and share what God is found in our respective countries. Please pray for safety and strength on our final flight back.


June 11 Update

We just finished the Thailand portion of our trip. The ministry was full of grace and surprises from God! He is so good. Now we are on the plane headed to Mongolia for our team Retreat. Please pray for good reflection, fruitful learning, and growing vision for God’s mission!

By God’s grace, we have finished the second leg of our trip, ministry in the mountain village or Bokaeo. Together with the Thai team members, we had the privilege of ministering to the children of the village and joining with the villagers in field work and village upkeep. Now, we are headed to the final leg of our trip, our team retreat in Mongolia. God has shown us so much and worked in powerful ways in our hearts in Thailand. Please pray that God would use this retreat to do a lasting work in us, impressing His vision and work deep into our hearts.


June 7 Update

Praise God! After 41 hours of travel, we have arrived safely in Thailand. Our first leg of our trip was a visit with the youth of Jasper Kids Home. We spent a couple of days with the beautiful youth of Jasper Kids Home, encouraging one another through worship and fellowship. We are next headed to join our Thai college group team members to go to Bokaeng Mountain Village for Children's Ministry.

May 24 Update

Thank you all for your prayers. Our preparation is going well. Please pray for one of our members, Kelly. Due to health reasons, she had to withdraw from the traveling team. Please pray for her health and also that she does not get discouraged. May God help her to see His will in this. Thank you all very much!

May 11 Update

Thank you for your prayer and support for our upcoming Thailand short-term mission trip. We have been prayerfully preparing and training for our upcoming trip, and we can't believe it's only 3 weeks away.

Last weekend, we had the joy of meeting the time members of our team. Through Zoom, we got to know each other and share about ourselves, so that we could start building a relationship even before we arrive there.

Here are upcoming prayer requests: 

1. Please pray that we would desire God's glory over all things on this trip.
2. Please pray for a serving heart for the village children that we will outreach to, for our Thai teammates, and for one another.
3. One of our teammates is not feeling physically well right now. Please pray for healing and health as we prepare.