James 1:16-18

Why does God let unfair things happen to me? Does God not care when I am miserable? Does God love me? Maybe you may have thought some of these things in the past. Maybe you're going through some things that cause you to wonder in such ways right now. Yesterday's and today's passages are an encourage to us that in Christ, God loves us, He cares for you, especially in your suffering, and that God wants great things for you.

James 1:12-15

We all go through challenging and sometimes painful times. These circumstances may be a result of natural disasters, of peoples' actions or of our heart's inner struggles. God reminds us that He is in control and that "God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28).

James 1:9-11

The Bible tells us that having faith in Jesus is the most important thing in life, because that's what restores our broken relationship with God and leads us in a lasting relationship with Him. If we don't have this, then even a person who has everything and is loved by everyone eventually will lose it all and has to face the penalty of living against God. But on the flipside, if a person who may not have much finds faith in Jesus, then his/her entire life changes.

James 1:5-8

Who wouldn't want wisdom? Then we can make all the right decisions, right? Well, Proverbs 9:10 tells us that wisdom is not only about making good choices; more importantly, it's about having the right attitude of respect and trust of God in all situations. That's what it means to be wise.

James 1:1-4

Even during challenging times, James never forgot what Jesus did for him. He remembers that because Jesus gave his own life to save him, James is no longer his own. That's why he calls himself a "servant of God" in verse 1. He is basically saying, "I do not let circumstances shape my attitude towards God. Rather, Christ's sacrifice and victory for me keeps me focused and humble before God in every situation."