Matthew 5:7-8

It is right to show mercy to others. But true mercy is shown only when we first embrace the mercy that we have received. Do you realize that God has shown you incredible mercy? You and I deserved His condemnation and punishment because of our rebellion against Him, but He did not judge us. Rather, He sent Jesus to take that punishment upon Himself to pay our penalty, and He then let us become His children to live in security and intimacy with God.

Matthew 5:1-4

Recently, we saw on the news that we may possibly have a vaccine for the Coronavirus some time soon. If this is true, then this is great news, for a vaccine will protect people from infection and it may lead to a cure for people who are infected. Whenever there is an outbreak of a disease, people find ultimate hope when a vaccine and a cure is developed.

James 5:19-20

We have to look out for one another. And sometimes, this requires speaking words that may be difficult to hear. But they are necessary for the spiritual life of a fellow friend. So let's focus on getting to a point with one another, that even if we have to speak words of rebuke to each other, that these words will be received with sincerity and trust.

James 5:16-18

Do you believe in the power of prayer? There is incredible power in prayer. James' example of Elijah reminds us just how much power there is in prayer. We must remember that the key to our prayer is not in the content of the prayer or the person doing the praying. The key to our prayer lies in the one to whom we are praying.

James 5:12

How much weight do your words hold? In other words, when you say "yes" or "no", or if you make a promise to someone, do they feel at ease with these words, or are they filled with doubt? Sometimes, in the past people have sworn on objects or people or other gods, to make a point that their words are true. Some have even sworn on God's name for their claims. All this is unnecessary and even dishonoring to God.

James 5:7-11

This passage is another encouragement to those who are going through tough times. Sometimes we can wonder whether or not God cares or is even there. Don't let your heart be swayed by changing circumstances around you, but stay focused on what you know is true, that Jesus lives in you and His victory is being fulfilled in you.

James 5:1-6

Would you consider yourself rich? The more important question is: "how we are using what we have?" The "rich" described in James 5:1-6 are criticized for putting their security in life in their worldly riches and using them for their self-indulgence. They had no regard for God, who is the giver of all these things, and they had no regard for others around them.

James 3:13-18

Do you want wisdom? The question that matters more is: "why do you want wisdom?" If we want wisdom for personal gain and advantage over other people, then that is meaningless in God's eyes. But the wisdom that God wants to give us is one that comes from a humble and selfless heart, seeking the glory of God and the good of others.

James 2:14-17

The Bible says that the Christian faith is supposed to impact both your heart and your daily living. If it's not affecting your daily living, then either your faith is unhealthy or even non-existent. Now, this passage does not intend to cause doubt in our hearts; rather it gives a challenge. It challenges those who may claim to believe in Jesus, but does not let Jesus in to their daily life and plans.

James 2:1-7

This world is filled with both rich and poor people. Be we much learn to see people with God's values, not human values. God is not impressed by worldly riches, as He has far more and is worth infinitely more than any human being. And He does not treat people differently, according to what they have or what they do not have. Rather, God sees into the heart and sent Jesus to meet our deep need for Him.